This is a really great interactive toy for a decent price. Here, I'll give a list of pros and cons about the product.
- Easy to put together and can be done in about 5 minutes.
- Sturdy enough for a small child.
- Perfectly sized tools for small hands.
- Not too big and not too small. Just the right size to put almost anywhere.
- Very colorful, which attracts the attention of our tiny humans.
-Interactive and amusing for kids and parents alike.
- The only con, which is also a pro, is the amount of smaller pieces, like nuts and bolts, that the toy comes with. It's great for building stuff, but can also be a hassle to try and keep up with, as well as keep out of the dogs mouth (if you have one). But, it's nothing that keeping them in a little bag can't remedy. That is, if you can get your kiddo to put them in there.
Altogether, this is a great product that I think the kids will enjoy for quite sometime.